Events and Dates
ArtPrize 2016: Sept. 21 – Oct. 8, 2017
Hosted by the First United Methodist Church of Grand Rapids, at 227 East Fulton Street – viewable from the street
Colors of Community Art Festival: Oct. 26 – Nov. 13, 2017
Located at Life Stream Church in Allendale, at 6561 Lake Michigan Drive
(Thursdays through Saturdays – 5-9pm)
Metamorphose was created as my entry into this year’s ArtPrize event. (You can check out its page on the ArtPrize website here.) Metamorphose has been created to illustrate the concept of the transformation that takes place within a person’s core being when they die to themselves and allow the regenerative power of the risen Christ to transform them into a new creature. The text used to create the image has been taken from the books of Romans, 1st and 2nd Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colosians. The words from Galatians 2:20, which provided the inspiration for the piece, are featured in the upper right corner and can be read from a distance. When the viewer draws closer to the piece, the image resolves into the individual words that make up 7 books from the New Testament. (For more information including some behind the scenes images and photos of the installation of the project, check out our Facebook page.)
During ArtPrize, METAMORPHOSE is being hosted by the First United Methodist Church located at 227 E. Fulton Street. It is located just up the hill from the Division/Fulton intersection, on the north side of the road (the left side when going up the hill). The piece can be viewed from the road, although of course to see any degree of the details upon which the image is built it would be better to approach it on foot.
Following ArtPrize, Metamorphose is planned to be included in the Colors of Community Art Festival held by Life Stream Church in Allendale, Michigan. If you’re in the area, please drop in and see it with your friends. There will be voting, so your votes will be appreciated, as well 🙂
The transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly is the underlying concept behind this image and its title. In order to achieve the beautiful form of the butterfly, freed from the chains of gravity and able to flit through the air with complete freedom and grace, a caterpillar must go through a process which resembles death, in which the structural foundation of its very existence is completely dissolved. By the time it emerges from its cocoon, its entire being has been transformed and it is able to take to the air upon wings not even hinted at in its former existence. Similar to that is the transformation of the human being who accepts the eternal life of the Risen Christ in exchange for the selfish sinful nature of their natural state.
“I am crucified with Christ: Nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ livith in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loves me, and gave Himself for me.” (Galations 2:20)
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away: behold, all things are become new.” (2nd Corinthians 5:17)
Poetic Ponderings
The skies proclaim their Maker’s Glory;
Nature shows a Grand Design –
But allergy to all that’s Holy
Blinds many brighter minds.
…excerpted from The Ocean Swell of Time © 2013 by Don Teachout
About The Artist
Don was born in Africa and was exposed to a wide diversity of cultures at a young age. His life experiences have given him an appreciation of perspective and an awareness of its importance in the process of communication. He enjoys focusing on the details. He loves the beauty that pervades nature. He is in a constant state of awe and appreciation for the design and detail found in God’s creations.
Don started creating art out of words in 2010. Long fascinated by the diversity available within the realms of visual and verbal communication, he finds great personal satisfaction in merging the two forms of expression into a singular form of art that he likes to call Pictures of 1000 Words. If you have the chance, he hopes you will take some time to check out his work and perhaps even discover new ways of looking at things you may have previously dismissed or taken for granted 🙂